Remembering June 4

4.6.2019 Anne-Marie Brady

The June 4 massacre as seen from New Zealand, and the new era of political control that followed.

Beyond Beijing: 1989 in Changsha

4.6.2019 Filip Jirouš

Thirty years ago, the CCP’s army massacred peaceful demonstrators on Tian’anmen square, putting an end to a nationwide protest movement. In this interview, Andréa Worden remembers 1989 as she experienced it in Changsha and Beijing.

Huawei in CEE: From “strategic partner” to potential threat

17.5.2019 Filip Jirouš, Jichang Lulu

Following the Prague 5G Security Conference’s stress on transparency and the “model of governance” of countries influencing ICT suppliers, an analysis of Central and Eastern European interactions with Huawei, with new details about the company’s Party links and underreported reactions in the Baltics.

Arresting Huawei’s march in Warsaw

2.2.2019 Łukasz Sarek

The arrest of Huawei’s executive in Poland on espionage charges could have a ripple effect globally, but Beijing has so far responded with caution. After years of unfulfilled promises, Beijing’s leverage is limited as Warsaw realigns itself more closely with Washington.

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