Coexistence with an Irresponsible (super)power
China’s aggressive behavior begets international isolation. Will ASEAN’s efforts to socialize it within the existing regional frameworks decrease the risk of conflict?
Sinopsis is a project implemented by the non-profit association AcaMedia z.ú., in scholarly collaboration with the Department of Sinology at Charles University in Prague. It aims to present a regular overview of developments in China and its impacts on the outside world from the perspectives of Czech, Chinese, and international observers.
China’s aggressive behavior begets international isolation. Will ASEAN’s efforts to socialize it within the existing regional frameworks decrease the risk of conflict?
The Party-State’s influence bureaucracies seek contacts high and low.
Backgrounder on Czech and European policy in the newly delineated macro-region.
United front figures exploit cultural cooperation to buy access and status.
Economic cooperation in the hands of a party-state actor.
Taiwan contingency scenarios, their probability and anticipated effects.
The new president-elect of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, has started sending powerful signals. Foremost among them was his phone call with his Taiwanese counterpart, President Tsai Ing-wen, on January 30, a mere two days after his electoral victory.
Japanese administration has released three documents that respond to an increasingly tense security environment, describing China as a serious source of concern. It stresses alliance-building with like-minded countries such as the Czech republic, and strengthening Japan’s own defense posture.
Limits and pitfalls of academic cooperation with the People’s Republic of China (policy brief).
The PRC operates police stations abroad without the knowledge of local authorities. Two are located in Prague.
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